5 Tactics for Removing Stubborn Stains

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5 Tactics for Removing stubborn stains

We make messes all the time. Every now and then we run into that stain that just refuses to come off,
and these stains are that of the stubborn kind. Stubborn stains are very common but, they take too much time to clean off!
But being a service member, you know fully well that the most difficult problems require tactical solutions!

Let’s take a look at the five most stubborn stains and how you can get rid of them without a challenge:

Coffee Stains

Ah, the classic spilled cup of joe. A common kind of spill that usually occurs in the early hours in the morning and
leaves a nasty brown blot on the kitchen tiles or curtains. The best way to handle this is to run it over with cold water while
you scrub it off using a toothbrush. Make sure to do this seconds after the spill!

Sweat Stains

Sweat is tricky as it isn’t immediately visible but leaves a foul odor wherever it lies.

If you’re going to deal with sweat, make sure you not only just wash away the stain,
but also the smell that comes off of it. A packet of detergent usually does the trick, especially when you’re washing table napkins.


If you smell a lot like freshly cut grass after mowing the lawn, you’ve got to apply some cold water before you put in anything else.
You can also wash grass stains away on any surface by mixing in some rubbing alcohol, bleach, or vinegar.

Chewing Gum

Chewing gum is really something you’ll have to pull off, especially if it gets stuck on the carpeting.
And even if you did pull it off, it still leaves a nasty mark on the fabric.
That said, here are a few things you can use to clean off chewing gum stains:

  • Hot Vinegar
  • Warm soapy water
  • Chemical Cleaners(if you want to dissolve it)


A bloodstain leaves a serious mess that has to be cleaned off before it begins to settle,
in which case, it will be difficult to clean it off. So, make sure to wash the blood off with cold water and absorb it with a sponge.
Avoid using a rag to scrub the blood as this will only spread the stain.
You may follow up with some lemon water or hydrogen peroxide to get rid of what remains.

Have you experienced these stains before?

Using the tips above, you’re now well-equipped to get rid of them.
But if you need additional help especially with more complex cleaning chores, know that Soldiers’ Mom is here to back you up!

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