5 Tips for Cleaning Your Kitchen Before Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner! And because you’re going to be prepping food for your family, you might want your kitchen to be as clean as possible before setting that turkey on the dining table. Cleaning your kitchen is a battle, especially when preparing for Thanksgiving. Food preparation makes a lot of messes and it’s … Read more

5 Tactics for Removing Stubborn Stains

We make messes all the time. Every now and then we run into that stain that just refuses to come off, and these stains are that of the stubborn kind. Stubborn stains are very common but, they take too much time to clean off! But being a service member, you know fully well that the … Read more

Winning the War Against Dirty Kitchens

While you’re probably doing your best to keep the kitchen area as clean as possible, you might have forgotten about the smaller details. Your countertops might be sparkling, and your tiled floor might be polished and waxed to perfection, but what about your utensils? The machines you use to prepare the next meal? That fancy … Read more

A Military-Style Plan for Cleaning Your Home

  From the kitchen to the living room, we all want to come home to place that’s spotless. Uniformed personnel, however, could barely give their homes a good vacuuming on account of their busy schedules. They just want to lie down and enjoy their time away from service. Cleaning up should be the last thing … Read more

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